Delphine Jaafar

Publications and events

Our partner, Delphine Jaafar, in charge of the firm’s Healthcare team, has recorded her very first podcast, produced by FEMMES DE SANTE (Women in Healthcare), the first multi-professional collective of women working in the healthcare sector. In this episode of season 5 #LesExpertesdelaSanté, Delphine Jaafar…
Our partner, Delphine Jaafar, in charge of the Healthcare team, was the guest of Cécile Gillet-Giraud, founder of ARCHEN, in her podcast #MUTANT(S)-Season 1. This fascinating series explores the many dimensions of transformation in the healthcare sector, beyond trends and announcements. In this episode, they…
Our partner, Delphine Jaafar, contributed to the latest issue (no. 637) of Hospital Management and its feature on “Sense, non-sense …”. Frédéric Spinhirny, editor-in-chief of the Hospital Management magazine, and Ombline Gazeau, editor-in-chief, accepted her proposal for an article on the sense and non-sense of…
Our partner, Delphine Jaafar, spoke at a conference on artificial intelligence and health organised by the Valenciennes Museum Medical Centre on Thursday 19 September 2024, in the sublime chapel of the Museum, alongside Pierre Simon, Xavier Girerd and Jean-Gabriel Cousin. Delphine discussed the legal and…
On 11 June 2024, our partner Delphine Jaafar took part in the very exciting SUMMER PARTY organised by the FRENCH HEALTHCARE ASSOCIATION, of which she has been a member since its creation. The FRENCH HEALTHCARE ASSOCIATION is an innovative public-private initiative, launched in 2017, which…
Our small but beautiful Health Team has been distinguished by the 2024 “Health, Pharma & Biotechnologies” DECIDEURS MAGAZINE ranking in: –           advice to healthcare establishments – hospital cooperation–           regulatory law–           e-health We are very pleased to see the cross-disciplinary nature of our business in a…
Our partner, Delphine Jaafar, attended the 10ème Annual Conference of the Life Science Committee of the International Bar Association (IBA), held in Madrid on 29 and 31 May 2024. She took part in two round tables: “The current boom and the challenges of digital therapeutics”…
Alongside the French Healthcare Association, of which we have been a member since its creation, and Future4Care, our firm organised a themed breakfast on Thursday 18 April 2024, in the beautiful amphitheater of Future4care, with our partner Delphine Jaafar in charge of our firm’s Healthcare…
The long-awaited decree on the licensing of teleconsultation companies was published in the French Official Journal on 1 March 2024: decree no. 2024-164 of 29 February 2024. The status for teleconsultation companies was created by the Social Security Financing Law (LFSS) for 2023. In order…
Following the organisation of the last MATINALE VATIER, the 8-10 of 16 February 2022 “Nursing homes: when health becomes a real estate market”, Nicolas Senèze, head of the Social section at La Croix, published an article containing the analysis of our partners Amélie Vatier, partner…