
Vatier devotes a significant part of its activity to international matters, whether it be assisting foreign clients, in particular Anglo-Saxons, in their operations in France, or intervening in transnational operations to coordinate all of the foreign players involved.

In an increasingly globalised context where international strategy has become of paramount importance, developing partnerships is a major challenge for law firms. Over the years and spanning multiple files, we have built an international network of correspondents and leading partner firms.

We select our international partners for their excellence and their independence. With several of our partners active in the UIA (International Union of Lawyers), the CIB and the IBA, we continue to build our network in order to develop and optimise our international activity.

We were also committed to creating an Africa Desk. Working on the African continent, we have made the unprecedented choice of being geographically positioned in several areas, with a strong commitment to building a close partnership with 6 established firms in order to have a better grasp of the specificities of each region and country.

Our firm is not bound by any exclusivity or financial agreements, thus the choice of a local correspondent is always exclusively guided by our commitment to finding the best expertise to handle each file.

Africa desk
  • Abidjan
  • Bamako
  • Lomé
  • Luanda
  • Niamey
  • Yaoundé