
The ordinances of 12 May 2021: Closer, simpler, safer?

Certification of local hospitals / Restructuring of the territorial health professional communities (CPTS) / Relaxation of the status of multi-professional health centres / Restructuring of authorisation law / Development of secure digital health services In view of the ageing population, the need to treat chronic diseases and the demographic disparities in medical care, the current ...
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Équipe santé 14 June 2021

The general interest does not represent public service…!

In a decision of 30 December 2020, the First Chamber of the Council of State had the opportunity to confirm that although medical and educational actions in favour of disabled children constitute a mission of general interest, the private management organisations providing them are not, however, entrusted with a public service mission (EC, 1st Chamber, ...
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Équipe santé 11 February 2021

Jacques Séguéla was right about Doctor Knock!

Forbidden for more than seventy years by Article R. 4127-19 of the Public Health Code on the grounds that medicine should not be practised as a business, advertising and communication are now free. Several decrees, published on 24 December 2020, set out the new rules on professional communication for six health professions: doctors (Decree No. ...
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Équipe santé 18 January 2021